In many cases once you have successfully acquired a Resource Consent or discharge permit from your local council, there will be ongoing "Compliance Monitoring" required, particulary if your certain acitvity produces discharge of contaminants to water, land or air. This monitoring is usually required to be undertaken by a suitably qualified person that is acceptable to the council in question, so as to ensure the integrity and robustness of the sampling and data.
The type of monitoring work required may include:
- Trade waste monitoring
- Report of Resource Consent compliance data to councils
- Biological surveys to determine the effect a discharge may be having on the receiving environment
- Air quality monitoring
- Groundwater monitoring
EAM NZ ltd is experienced is most aspects of compliance monitoring. We routinely provide services for clients involved with sewage treatment plants, open and closed landfills, stormwater discharges, dairy effluent discharges, water quantity and quality monitoring, to name but a few. EAM NZ ltd also provides clients with expert opinions in the review of the Resource Consent monitoring conditions to ensure that they are not spending unnecessary money on the collection of redundant data.