Increasing awareness and environmental concerns, and the growing potential for landowner, developer or financier liability has highlighted the importance of due diligence investigations.

We work closely with clients, providing specialist advice and assistance to meet their specific needs.  We can develop cost effective, site specific solutions for a wide range of potential contaminants, while guiding clietns throught he legislative framework and liaising directly with local authorities.

We can assist with projects on any scale, from localised spills associated with for example sheep dips or buried fuel tanks for example, to large industrial sites with numerous potential sources or pesticide contamination, associated with redevelopment of former horticultural land.

Well documented treatment of formerly contaminated sites allays concerns raised by potential purchasers and aids achievement of compliance with local authorities.


EAM NZ ltd can assist by providing the following services:-

  • Initial site appraisals
  • Consenting and regulatory compliance
  • Discharge monitoring and assessment
  • Landfill monitoring - leachates and gas
  • Desk studies (assessment of site history and current site practices)
  • Site investigations (soil and water sampling & analyses)
  • Risk assessments (human health, site workers, the environment, adjacent sites & construction materials)
  • Contaminant fate and transport modeling (potential effects on underlying aquifers and adjacent surface waters)
  • Development and implementation of remedial solutions (ex-situ or in-situ)
  • Documentation and validation of completed remedial works
  • Site monitoring

Related Documents

 Contaminated Sites Info Sheet (642KB)

 HAIL and Contaminated Land FAQ's (892KB) 

Related Links

Windsor Park pond and stream remediation

hydrocarbon contamination